Sunday, October 21, 2018

It was all about politics when Marc Schrieks made Mike Nardino the director of the Lodi Boys & Girls Club…

As Nardino and Schrieks, two scandal-plagued career politicians, try to reinvent themselves before an election, please pay attention to their history- their records and their actions.

Schrieks and Nardino brought Lodi politics 
into the Boys & Girls Club

During Marc Schrieks’ first term on the Lodi council, he lost his job with a clothing manufacturer.  At the time, he also was a member of Board of Directors of the Lodi Boys & Girls Club.  Marc Schrieks wanted to become the director of the Lodi Boys & Girls Club.  He used his politics and his positions to get what he wanted for himself.  At the time, many Lodi residents spoke out about how unethical and self-serving those actions were.  Marc secured the job for himself but instead became Joe Coniglio’s chief of staff.

Who ended up becoming the Director of Lodi Boys & Girls Club?  Marc Schrieks’ current running mate and former campaign manager Mike Nardino. 

For decades, these politicians corrupted our borough hall.  They corrupted our board of education.  They even had to bring their politics into the Lodi Boys & Girls Club.  They wanted Lodi politicians to have complete control over the nonprofit and its large operating budget.

Nardino and Schrieks have a long history together: serving themselves while hurting Lodi.