Thursday, October 11, 2018

CF’s pompous mouthpiece defends CORRUPTION while launching personal insults at concerned citizens that attend board meetings...

Joe Leto has issued public statements supporting the following bad practices since joining the board in January:

Leto has defended giving Frank Quatrone a 20% salary increase as well as illegal payouts at retirement. 

Leto has defended nepotism and conflicts of interest.  He falsely stated that conflicts of interest only apply to negotiations.  Conflicts apply to everything beyond negotiations, i.e., votes on promotions, votes on benefits, votes on contracts, filling coaching positions, etc.  Conflicts of interest result in corruption as CF has clearly demonstrated.

Leto has defended his decision to allow Frank Quatrone to investigate himself regarding the alleged fraudulent documents pertaining to the superintendent contract.

Leto has defended his practice of assigning board members with conflicts of interest to negotiate around the board without the board setting goals or parameters.

Leto  supports Marc Schreiks who was called a liar by a Federal Prosecutor.

Leto supports Mike Nardino who blatantly lied to Lodi for years regarding the $8,000,000 scam (demolition and replacement of the structurally sound Lincoln administration building).

"Children First" and its mouthpiece can get off their high horses.  Sugarcoating corruption doesn’t resonate beyond their little VIP circle.