Tuesday, October 20, 2020

You Know Cardone and Salvacion are Really Corrupt When Their Board Attorney Advises Them Not to Answer any Fair, Respectful, and Relevant Questions from the Public…


Link to video:




Elected officials should answer questions from the public.  People that can’t answer questions have something to hide.  People like Cardone and Salvacion fight all efforts to provide any transparency.


The attorney (Joseph Garcia) that advised them not to answer any questions is a sleazy former Paramus councilman that was part of a very corrupt administration.  His firm attains all its contracts via pay-to-play and Lagana’s influence peddling.  How much money are they illegally funneling into the the Salvacion campaign?  They are so money hungry and incompetent, they need 2 board attorneys to sit in on board meetings.  Of course, they continue to double bill and then pretend they are unaware when its brought to their attention.


Sharon Salvacion should disclose who is texting her during the meeting to provide her with dishonest responses. 


Once again, Sharon Salvacion violated campaign laws when she never reported how she spent the $4,000 she took from the NJEA.  See it for yourself:

