Saturday, October 17, 2020

$720 from Karen Viscana and $400 from Dawn Caruso Dolan? Are the 24/7 Facebook Fools Being Used as “Straw Donors”?



Link to the only contributor report showing on the ELEC website for the progress in politics team:


Karen Viscana never spent one penny of her own money on any of her own campaigns during her seven decades in dirty Lodi politics.  She made a few “loans” in which she always paid herself back after engaging in the worst pay-to-play abuses (she sold Lodi contracts to pay herself back every single penny).  So now this dirty political group wants you to believe that Karen Viscana is giving $720 of her own money to a campaign when she never went into her own pockets for any of her own campaigns?


Does anybody believe that one penny of the $400 listed for Dawn Caruso Dolan actually came from Dawn Caruso Dolan?  Does anyone believe that Dawn Caruso Dolan spent more on the campaign than the three candidates running?


Dawn Caruso Dolan and Karen Viscana should disclose to the public whether they used cash or check.  How did they attain the money?  Can any bank transactions verify the money in and money out?  Why is this the first time in their lives that they are using their own money for a political campaign?  Sharon Salvacion and John Canizzaro have taken enough from the Lodi taxpayers and continue to take.  Why aren’t they funding their own campaign?  Their contributions to their own campaign are listed as "loans" which means they have every intention of paying themselves back with money from those profiting from our schools.  In normal towns, most candidates don't accept campaign contributions for school board elections because they are supposed to be free of politics and free of outside influence.


Certain people enriching themselves through Lodi politics will approach candidates during campaigns and offer wads of cash.  They will ask the candidates not to list their names.  They don’t use checks.  They will ask the candidates to report the contribution in the candidates’ names.  If not, they recommend “straw donors” be listed.  That’s Lodi.  So when some contributions don’t make sense or raise serious red flags, Lodi voters should think cynically.


Using “straw donors” is illegal.  The corrupt political machine has been doing it for decades.  It’s their way of skirting pay-to-play laws.