Monday, October 19, 2020

The Lodi BOE Kept the February 26th Meeting Minutes off the District Site to Cover Up for Con Woman Sharon Salvacion…

Sharon Salvacion, Natalie Delgado, Nancy Cardone, Marc Schrieks, and Donald Scorzetti involved themselves in a personnel matter and went against the advice of administration in a very serious matter that affected students.


Today, some of the five listed above are lying about their vote.  Because nobody likes liars, I went to the district web site tonight to pull up the February 26th meeting minutes.  None are posted.  What a surprise.  The personnel matter/vote was not listed as an agenda item on the February 26th agendas either.


When you see Con Woman Sharon Salvacion, ask her to explain what she voted on and how she voted.  All Lodi voters should demand an explanation.