Sunday, October 11, 2020

I Was Informed that Neither of My Two Questions were Answered at the Thursday BOE Meeting Because They Were Deemed "Political"...


The second question is about policy and ethics.  Being Nancy Cardone and the administration refused to answer the question two months in row, Lodi can be assured that Nancy Cardone continues to involve herself in matters involving her son Michael Cardone (Middle School Principal), her sister-in-law Francine Santos (Pre-K teacher and LEA president), daughter-in-law Carol Cardone (basic skills teacher) and other relatives employed by the Lodi Board of Education.  Lodi can never function as a real school district as long as this nepotism and corruption exists and is unanswered.


Public Comment *


1) Last year, board trustee Sharon Salvacion took a $4,000 campaign contribution from the NJEA. She also took a lot of money from other undesirables with financial interests before the district. Sharon Salvacion has already spent thousands of dollars on her current campaign and no reports are showing yet on the ELEC website. Members of the community should be made aware of where Sharon Salvacion is getting her money so they can monitor any conflicts of interest with her votes. Does Sharon Salvacion know who is funding her campaign? If so, she should disclose it to the public tonight.


2) Last month, I submitted a question and it received no response so I am resubmitting it: "This month, reported that LEA president Francine Santos sent a letter to the superintendent seeking to have school buildings shut down immediately even though students are not even offered in person instruction. The teacher union president is the sister-in-law of Board President Nancy Cardone. Nancy Cardone has a long history of involving herself in matters that directly affect her family members employed in the Lodi schools. Nancy Cardone has often voted on items for her family members. Recently, Nancy Cardone was interjecting herself into the superintendent selection process even though she was prohibited due to conflicts. What measures does this administration have in place to prevent Nancy Cardone from involving herself in matters involving her son, her sister-in-law, her daughter-in-law, and other family members on the Lodi payroll? For instance, if Nancy Cardone approaches the superintendent to discuss any matters involving her relatives or teacher union demands, how would that be dealt with?"