Wednesday, October 7, 2020

The Giacobbe Firm Listed Multiple Reasons as to Why Frank Quatrone's Petition (illegal sick day payout) Should Have Been Dismissed...



The board attorney advised NOT to pay Frank Quatrone $167,000 for sick days. The board attorney denied Frank Quatrones's claims and asked that his petition be dismissed with prejudice.

I had a big blowout with Matthew Giacobbe long before his firm filed its Answer in the Quatrone sick day case. The firm certainly wasn't acting on my orders. It's OWN legal advice was to NOT pay Quatrone the outrageous amount. That was Giacobbe's legal advice before it prostituted itself to corrupt board members like Nancy Cardone and Sharon Salvacion who have the worst conflicts of interest.

Con woman Sharon Salvacion went against the initial legal advice of her board attorney. She wasn't being responsible by "settling" right before the case went before an ALJ.  She was violating state statutes and lying to you about it. She is too dishonest to sit on any board.