Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Email from October 11, 2019 shows that the "interims" were collecting fat paychecks and only serving Lodi's political families (disregarding civil service and not properly posting positions)...

On Fri, Oct 11, 2019 at 9:00 PM Ryan Curioni <> wrote:

Dr. Fedina,

Can you please provide us with the specific requirements for this Civil Service position.  Both attachments are short general statements not specific to this position.  Can you please show us that the position was properly advertised in accordance with civil service and that all qualified applicants were informed that a test was being offered.  Can you please inform us who took the test and when.  If _____ took the test and nobody else knew about it, how did that happen?

I am not totally blaming you but I could not be more disappointed in the way the district is handling vacant positions.  __________ position wasn't posted for over a month at a time when many were complaining that we don't have enough manpower.  District positions are not being advertised in the newspapers.  This is a step backwards from last school year.  Our district is being set up to not have a Business Administrator come January.  I haven't seen the Supervisor of Special Services position posted yet.  

The senior maintenance vacancy was poorly handled from the beginning.  Applicants should not have been called for an interview if they had no chance.  It wasn't fair to them.

All were made aware of TJ Luna's conflict of interest with _____months ago.

I believe Lodi deserves better.

Ryan Curioni