Monday, January 20, 2020

Another $8,877.00 "Giacobbe" bill added to the January 22nd addendum...

Link to invoices:

You can see on the bills that Mark Wenczel contacted the Director of School Ethics Commission twice shortly before the SEC did a complete reversal on its previous decisions and went against me. 

While people were robbing the district and committing the worst abuses, they were all so concerned about me posting about real Lodi corruption on my blog.

I am proud that so many sleazy, dishonest, powerful, very wealthy people conspired against me and the best they were able to do was go after blog posts.

When Quatrone and Capizzi left the district, the Lodi BOE had a great opportunity to do great things.  Instead, most board members gave the district Robert Brown, Kathryn Fedina, and the disastrous Giacobbe firm (all self-serving people obsessed with their paychecks and not concerned about bringing stability and reform to the district).  

When September rolled around and board members learned that the Giacobbe attorneys lied during their presentations and went around the board with its contract, the board should have fired them immediately.  Unfortunately, some board members are beholden to Joseph Lagana and his campaign contributions.  Other board members are just spineless.  They say one thing while they are running and do something completely different once elected.  They run on other people’s accomplishments claiming them as their own.

People can track the amount of “research hours” by Marc Wenczel since July and the thousands of Lodi tax dollars it equates to.   Lodi is paying more than it ever did and isn’t any better off.