Thursday, August 29, 2019

NJEA endorses Swain and Tully months after already funding their political campaign…

Link to recent post on the NJEA’s sham screening process:

Link to NJEA endorsements which were posted today by insidernj:

To get an endorsement from the NJEA, a politician must oppose school choice opportunities (hurting poor children the most).  A politician must oppose all rational common sense public school reforms.  A politician must pledge to maintain the status quo.  A politician can’t be taxpayer friendly.

The NJEA currently controls state government.  The NJEA has bought off incumbents from both parties.  That’s why you don’t see any innovative choice programs in New Jersey when they are becoming more and more popular in other states not situated on the two liberal coasts.

You can see from the endorsements that there is very little difference between most incumbent Republicans and Democrats in the state legislature.  They are all bought off with special interest money and controlled by the NJEA.

Voters should look for candidates NOT endorsed by the NJEA when casting their ballots.