Thursday, August 22, 2019

"Sex education controversy divides Conejo Valley school district"

Link to story:

Public schools should let kids be kids and stop polluting young minds with a perverse curriculum.

People can research the “2016 California Healthy Youth Act” for themselves.  There was an orchestrated effort by the teacher unions, Planned Parenthood, and the ACLU to force their radical agenda on young students.  There are video tapes of them plotting to take away parents’ rights to opt out. 

Also from the article:

“The agenda also called for discussion of requests submitted by community members for separate censures of trustees Sandee Everett and Jenny Fitzgerald.

The discussion on Everett focused on a presentation she made at a local church for an event on alternatives to public school education. Everett said she attended as an advocate for public education. Critics said her appearance at an event they said focused on pulling students out of public schools conflicted with her role as a trustee member.

No vote was taken but trustees indicated they did not think the actions warranted a censure.”

From coast to coast, you are seeing an attack on free speech and religious liberties.