Friday, July 26, 2019

SHAM: The NJEA PAC made up its mind long before June 18th as its money shows...

On June 18th, the BCEA posted: “Then the BCEA Screening Committee sends its recommendations to the 125 member NJEA PAC for the final decision in August."

Link to recent post:

The NJEA PAC began giving money to Swain an Tully long before June 18th.  May 31st is among those dates.

Link to June 24, 2019 election report by Assembly members Swain and Tully:

Those running for office should NOT waste their time dealing with these disingenuous phonies.  They are a far left association that takes other people’s pay checks to support the most corrupt politicians.  Their screening committees are a complete sham as illustrated by the timeline above.