I received two letters in the mail from Joe Leto. This is what he wrote: “My
running mates and I share the same ideologies and views.”
All machine candidates share the same views. The same person is pulling all of their
strings. You all know who that
person is.
Machine candidates demonstrate no independent thought.
From start to finish, the “machine” ticket
demonstrated no knowledge of any educational practices, philosophies, or trends. They demonstrated no knowledge of our school
budget or how taxes have been raised.
They never articulated a purpose for running.
Their campaign is generic and recycled.
They only speak in clichés. Children.
First. Nick Vara and Donald
Scorzetti ran the same campaign last year.
It didn’t work then. People saw
through it. It was hollow.
On Tuesday, elect Board members that can think, speak,
and write for themselves.
Reject candidates that are bought and paid for but
still looking for more.