Thursday, September 28, 2017

Shutting the public out…AGAIN.

A Lodi resident that pays a lot in taxes was turned away from our Board meeting last night.  He took this picture showing people forced to wait outside while the meeting was taking place.

What the picture doesn’t capture is all the people that didn’t hang around.  They were turned away and left very upset.

The Board should do what they do in every other district- use a school auditorium that can accommodate large crowds.

The “machine” denies access to public records.  The “machine” shuts the public out of meetings.  No transparency.  They have something to hide.

Here is an email I submitted to the administration and Board members on Saturday, September 23rd (I raised the issue many times prior):

I believe there may be a capacity problem at this Wednesday meeting.  I heard some of my customers say today that additional people will be attending the meeting to honor Emil Carafa.  The union members usually occupy our small meeting room.

I know residents were angry the last time they were turned away.

Maybe the meeting should be relocated to a school building that can accommodate the public.