Wednesday, November 15, 2023

It Has Been Alleged that Matthew Giacobbe Was Illegally Billing Westfield to OPRA the Emails of the Westfield Superintendent and Other Board Members...

In Lodi, OPRA requests were submitted for Matthew Giacobbe's legal invoices.  "Giacobbe" redacted them to the point that they were unreadable. 

In Lodi, OPRA requests were submitted for Nancy Cardone's emails. "Giacobbe" redacted to the point of being unreadable.

"Giacobbe" illegally redacted a separation agreement that is public record.

"Giacobbe" even redacted a basic annual audit.

Giacobbe has the audacity to file OPRA requests using public funds while blocking members of the public from access to those very same public records.  

Matthew Giacobbe believes he gets to determine who can and cannot use the Open Public Records Act.