Friday, November 25, 2022

Residents of Lodi Can't Afford Their Own Gas. So Why Are Lodi Taxpayers Paying for Donald Scorzetti's Gas Guzzling Tahoe, Unlimited Gas for His Own Personal Use (and for the Personal Use of His Family and Friends), and for His Constant Trips to His Shore House? (Post Date: August 19, 2022)

Lodi taxpayers pay for this Tahoe and its gas for Donald Scorzetti's personal use at the shore.

Below is Donald Scorzetti's current salary guide ($228,276.40 for this year). Lodi taxpayers pay that salary. It's such an abuse to have the Lodi taxpayers paying for his gas guzzling SUV and all costs associated with it when he is using it for non work related trips to his shore house and everywhere else.

Today was Friday, August 19th. Was Scorzetti using a vacation day? Sick day? Personal day? Of course not. Nobody records Scorzetti's work days. At retirement, Scorzetti will receive hundreds of thousands of dollars for unused sick days, vacation days, etc. The Lodi Mayor and Council will certify that he never took one day off during his entire career.  

Donald Scorzetti's GPS would show you who the real thieves are in Lodi. And the biggest hypocrites.