Sunday, November 6, 2022

Nancy Cardone’s Political Group Has Spent Tens of Thousands of Dollars on a Local BOE Election. Two Days Out From an Election and They Still Have Not Reported Their Campaign Contributions and Expenditures.

Nancy Cardone and her running mates are not a group of self-funded parent activists.  They are a political group funded by the worst special interest that benefit financially from the Lodi Board of Education.


Nancy Cardone, her running mates, and their Treasurer John Cannizzaro have deliberately violated all State laws pertaining to ELEC reporting.  Being they have been given an order by those funding their campaign to conceal who is funding their campaign, I will remind the voters of Lodi who were their big campaign contributors in recent years when they actually filed campaign reports:


-  State Senator Joseph Lagana

(a Partner at “Cleary Giacobbe” which received a contract from Nancy Cardone to be Board Attorney.  Goes over budget for inferior legal services. Pay-to-play and influence peddling.)


-  NJEA (Teacher Union that negotiates contracts with the Lodi Board of Education.  Runs attack campaigns against concerned parents that attend BOE meetings and is behind the radical indoctrination in our public schools.  Pushes pornography in school libraries.)


-  The Lodi Mayor and Council (Use the Lodi public schools to employ all their relatives and to receive school contracts for family and friends. Past reports show them spending thousands on the campaigns of Lodi Police Chief Donald Scorzetti (Cardone’s former running mate) and his sidekick Dominick Miller. Borough Employee Sharon Salvacion and Nancy Cardone worked on negative campaign literature at the home of Lodi Mayor Scott Luna. Conflicts all over the place.)


-  Bill Nunno (past reports show him pouring thousands into the campaigns of the Cardone political group).


- Karen Viscana and Dawn Dolan (used as straw donors).  Two miserable wretches and campaign suck ups that were used to conceal the identities of the real campaign contributors. 


* All info above is based on reports posted on the ELEC website.