Thursday, April 4, 2019

Tomorrow, A Partisan County Politician is set to lead a voter registration assembly for Lodi High School students…

 Partisan politician John Hogan  is leading a voter registration drive at Lodi High School to coincide with Lodi's May Municipal Election

Voter registration initiatives taking place in schools are supposed to be NONPARTISAN.  So why is a PARTISAN career politician running the voter registration assembly?

Here are some concerns regarding the arrangement:

1)   From Northvale mayor, to Ferriero Freeholder, and now as County Clerk, John Hogan has always been a PARTISAN politician on every ballot he ever appeared.

2)  John Hogan is using his public office to meet young students and register them to vote.  This gives Hogan a clear advantage over any political opponent in the next clerk’s race.  The students that Hogan registers likely will recognize his name the next time it appears on the ballot.

3)  John Hogan is currently raising money for his next election where he will be a partisan candidate once again.

4)  If say Kim Guadagno went from school to school, met students, and registered them to vote while she was Lieutenant Governor and planning to run for governor, would anyone view that as NONPARTISAN or fair?  People shouldn’t have double standards.

5)  John Hogan is promoting himself in our schools while on the taxpayers’ dime.  He is paid a big six figure salary to run the Clerk’s office.  Instead of showing up to work, he is hanging out in our schools.

6)  John Hogan’s assembly coincides with the May Municipal Election.  When was the last time a voter registration assembly at Lodi High School took place in April?

7)  Emil Carafa and Scott Luna are too close to John Hogan for people not to suspect coordination based on the timing.

8)  John Hogan has meddled in too many local elections in Bergen County, often giving wrong legal advice and advantages to one party over another.

9)   John Hogan was knocked out of office in 2010 after all the Ferriero and Coniglio scandals.  Being a career politician, he didn’t go away.  He came back to power after the democrat money machine rebuilt itself.

10)  John Hogan is not going to electrify the room of students.  He put me to sleep when he gave a presentation about archiving at a Lodi council meeting.

11)  Like the Lodi politicians, John Hogan is a shameless self-promoter.  He uses your tax dollars to promote himself.  Below is a letter to the editor I wrote in 2013:

The Record: Letters, March 21, 2013

Bergen clerk sets a bad example

Regarding "Bergen freeholder irate over $60,000 cost of county clerk's calendars" (Page L-1, March 14):

Twenty-one photos of the county clerk were 20 photos too many. At some point, the $60,000 calendar expenditure went beyond official business and into the campaign-expense category. It should have been treated as such.

Clerk John Hogan should have used his own money or campaign contributions if he wanted to use the calendar as a personal advertisement for himself. His actions set a bad example for the rest of the county and especially for impressionable local politicians looking to self-promote.

At a council meeting a few months ago, I questioned Lodi Mayor Marc Schrieks about what I felt was excessive spending of tax dollars on gifts, printing, signage and parties used to promote himself rather than the borough. He responded by saying that a county official had done something similar with the gifts. All should stop.

I commend Freeholder Maura DeNicola for continuing to speak out against government waste. The board could use more members like her.

Ryan Curioni

Lodi, March 18