Monday, April 1, 2019

"Large families" taking from communities (Repost: April 9, 2018): …

Emil Carafa in today’s Record defending nepotism:

"But Carafa, the mayor, said there will always be complainers in small towns, where large families have traditionally been active and have played important roles in shaping their communities."

Mr. Carafa, if someone is the best qualified but doesn’t have a large political family in town, should they should be barred from Lodi employment?  Lodi politicians sound more like a mafia than a governing body.

Emil Carafa in today’s Record defending nepotism:

"As for accusations that Licata got her son a cushy town job, Carafa insisted that the position was filled according to protocol."

What was the "protocol" when you hired the Councilwoman's son for a job that wasn't advertised?  What was the "protocol" when a new department was created just so he could be made supervisor?

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