Thursday, November 5, 2015

Shameless self-promotion and the power of a biased media to brainwash...

Photo/Rachael Reis

Joe Licata and Mike Nardino have been sending pictures of themselves to the Community News for years in a shameless act of self-promotion.  Their pictures and stories are most frequent around election time(or when they need to build up Joe Licata before a promotion).  They are intended to paint a positive portrait of two politicians engaging in very unethical behavior at the Lodi Board of Education, Drug Alliance, and Lodi Boys and Girls Club.

The Community News propaganda is used to brainwash the public into believing a false narrative.

In case anyone is not aware, Rachel Reis is Mike Nardino’s step-daughter.  She works for the Community News and is responsible for most of the photos for Joe Licata and Mike Nardino.

The power of a biased media to brainwash:

Photo/Rachael Reis

Photo/Rachael Reis 

Photo/Rachael Reis Sarafian