Thursday, June 26, 2014

Key Words Noticeably Missing from Today’s DPW Article:

Four key words omitted from Today’s Community News Article:

1)  Seniority

2)  Building & Grounds

3)  Licata

It’s truly amazing that an article can be printed with those four words omitted.  They are the story.  They are Luna’s wrongdoings.

Also conspicuously missing:

Not one quote from any of the five council members.

Where does anyone ever see that? Not one quote from any council member?

If they weren't reconsidering their actions as of June 20th, they better explain themselves.

Deputy Mayor Licata has been at the center of this controversy for two years.  How can a reporter not get a quote from her on the matter?  Her son has done nothing but benefit financially from this scheme.

Luna succeeded again in crafting an article for the Community News.  If he had something to say on the matter, he could have answered the questions that were asked of him at the council meeting when Ms. Clark was present in the audience.  Instead, he sat silent.  Then he helped craft her article a few days later.

The overwhelming majority of DPW supporters were from town.  The article began with:  “A group of union workers from out of town came to a Lodi Council meeting in support of two workers laid off from the Department of Public Works (DPW).”  

The article then went on to completely omit any discussion of SENIORITY and the Deputy Mayor’s conflicts of interest.  It omitted that Luna refused to answer any questions or defend his actions.

The Community News continues to operate as the public relations arm of the Lodi politicians.  And Ms. Clark is not to blame.

The editor of the Community News buried today’s story on page 9 but will put up a story about filling cracks on a tennis court on page one.  He continues to not only prohibit anything in his paper that is negative to the Lodi politicians, but he fills his sheets every week with photos of them with complete non-stories attached.

It is what it is.  There is no sense of whining.  The people of Lodi can do what our papers will not.   

Get out the true story of Luna’s layoffs on your own- whether through the internet or speaking to neighbors.  Do the same for other abuses being committed by the Lodi politicians.

Here is the article: