Friday, June 6, 2014

Marc Schrieks is Disingenuous on Caruso’s Big Pay Day.

Click below to read the whole article:


Marc Schrieks sat on the Lodi council for 15 years.  He voted YES on every contract for the Chief.

How many times do you remember him challenging any clauses of these contracts?  How many times do you remember him fighting these contracts to arbitration?  How many contracts were actually decided through arbitration and not the mayor and council?  The answer is: NONE!

Just look at what Marc Schrieks has been putting in Tony Luna’s contracts.  They changed outrageous clauses of Luna’s contract only after I questioned them at council meetings. I can only imagine what Marc has been putting in the others. 

How disgraceful that Marc now is calling on the State for reform.  The State has been encouraging local municipalities for a very long time to pass reforms limiting these payouts.  Lodi did nothing.

This is not the first time Marc pulled this phony stunt.  I have been asking the Lodi Mayor and Council for two years now to pass a real pay-to-play ordinance.  The State wants the Lodi council to pass this ordinance.  Marc has been fighting every effort on this reform for years. He has the audacity to say at council meetings that it is the State’s fault that Lodi doesn’t have a real pay-to-play ordinance because the State didn’t pass it for Lodi.

Marc, Luna, and this council knew about Caruso’s big payout a year ago.  They never spoke publicly about it.  They never called for reform.  What a disgrace!