Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Emerald Robinson Reports How Increased Vaccinations Correlate to Increased Covid Cases..

Link to Emerald Robinson:


Our Government intentionally withheld early treatment from the sick in order to push the the vaccines. After all the vaccine propoganda, our nation has never been so sick. The vaccines did not return things to normal. Our government and bad health care providers that withheld early treatments have killed hundreds of thousands.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Vinny Martin's Spokesperson Karen Viscana Won't Comment on the Prostitution/Drug Bust...

Link to Secaucus Police:


It's very sad that Karen Viscana is not offering support to the law enforcement agencies invloved in this bust that place themselves in danger as they combat sex traffickers and drug dealers.

Karen Viscana should stop deflecting for organized crime and start advocating for safer communities. 

If Lodi Deputy Mayor Vincent Martin Runs His Business This Way, How Do You Think He is Running Borough Hall, the Planning Board, and Donald Scorzetti?


Monday, December 20, 2021

Nothing But Hate and Division From This White House. What Type of Government Would Say This?


Fauci murdered orphans, tortured dogs, and worked with the Wuhan Lab to create the virus. Why would anyone listen to Fauci and Biden's teleprompter? 

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Lodi Deputy Mayor Vinny Martin's "Go-Go Bar" is in the News Today. Is He Still an Owner? A Proud Owner?....

Link to story today on nj.com:


Past posts on the subject:


The posts linked above resulted from a quick search "vinny martin business".  There are many more posts about his involvement with the Secaucus go-go club. You can do a search with different key words in the box at the top of this blog to learn more.

Monday, December 6, 2021

Disrespectful Cedar Grove Board of Education Members Walk out of Meeting While a Resident Was Speaking, Ending the Meeting..

We are seeing an arrogance and immaturity from too many board of education members, woke Superintendents, board attorneys and business administrators from Lodi to Cedar Grove and beyond. These people feel they don't have to answer to or respect those paying the bills. 

The video above shows clips from the Cedar Grove board meeting where disrespectful board members walk out.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

November Payroll & Bills for the Lodi Board of Education...

Link to November Payroll:




Link to November Bills:




Bills have been posted on the district website since 2017 as part of the meeting agendas.  At the time, I told Capizzi and the board that I OPRA the bills each month and post them for the public.  The bills are public records.  Bills are voted on by the board each month.  Lodi taxpayers pay the bills.  I argued that the bills should be included on the meeting agendas and the more transparency the better.  Lodi took a step forward and began posting more public information on the district website.


Nancy Cardone is undoing every stride towards transparency.  Bills have now been removed from meeting agendas (the reason why I am posting them again).


It’s bad to hide public information.  It’s even worse to go out of your way to remove public records that had been posted for years.  Board members should answer for their bad actions.  When you see Nancy Cardone, ask her: what is your reasoning for removing the bills, records for hearing of citizens, labor agreements, etc.?  What is your reasoning for having your administration violate OPRA and deny public records that have been provided for years like things so basic as a detailed budget, legal invoices, electronically submitted public comments, etc.?  Why did you eliminate all work session meetings which are open to the public (governed by the Open Public Meeting Act) and supposedly replace them with “committee” meetings closed to the public?


If you don’t see Nancy Cardone and would like answers, you reach out to her by email.  Nancy Cardone’s email is:



Friday, December 3, 2021

Doug Petty Should Read these Reports Before He Promotes Dangerous Experiments for 5 Year Olds...

Link to story:


Doug Petty should also disclose how many Lodi students tested positive for covid after receiving one or two shots. How do those numbers compare to unvaccinated students?  What data does he have in his possession as he promotes experiments on 5 year olds?

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Nancy Cardone isn't Capable of Writing an Ethics Complaint...

Lodi BOE President Nancy Cardone during a Zoom meeting

Lodi board members should ensure that another misappropriation of public funds hasn't taken place- where Nepotism Nancy's group uses unethical school board attorneys for personal use while billing the Lodi taxpayers.

The business administrator and Giacobbe attorneys are hiding something serious being they illegally redact all legal invoices to the point they are unreadable before turned over to the public.

If the public can't monitor legal bills without suing in court for OPRA violations,  it is incumbent that board members review all unredacted legal invoices submitted by the politician run firm of Matthew Giacobbe. If board members blindly approve Giacobbe's bills without reviewing them, they are complicit in any wrongdoing that could be occurring. 

Doug Petty is Promoting Experimental Injections that Have Killled and Disabled Too Many Children...


School leaders shouldn't be pushing dangerous experiments on children. Shameful.

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Email Submitted to Dennis Frohnapfel and the Lodi Board of Education: "Being Paid to Not Serve the Public"

------ Original Message ------
To: dennis.frohnapfel@lodi.k12.nj.us Cc: nancy.cardone@lodi.k12.nj.us; sharon.salvacion@lodi.k12.nj.us; karin.gilcher@lodi.k12.nj.us; kerry.mastrofilipo@lodi.k12.nj.us; joseph.ramos@lodi.k12.nj.us; yadiria.jimenez@lodi.k12.nj.us; laura.cima@lodi.k12.nj.us; jocelyn.anderson@lodi.k12.nj.us; paula.cortez@lodi.k12.nj.us Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2021 8:36 AM Subject: Being Paid to Not Serve the Public

Mr. Frohnapfel,

After watching a video of your behavior at the last Board of Education meeting, I felt compelled to send this email. I watched a Lodi resident politely ask questions about a vote on a contract. I watched you respond by yelling, ‘I’ll clean your clock!” and “You’re a clown!”. Your behavior is unacceptable and should never be tolerated by Superintendent Douglas Petty or any of the board members for the reasons listed below. Your actions have further tarnished Lodi’s already battered reputation.

You are not volunteering your time here in Lodi. The Lodi taxpayers are paying you a $155,920.08 annual salary at the same time you are collecting a separate $122,499 public pension (for when you “retired” from the Garfield Board of Education in 2011). You are paid very well to be a public employee. You are paid to serve the public and answer to the public. Instead of serving the residents of Lodi, you have showed time and time again that you don’t answer to the public, you make up your own rules, and laws don’t apply to you.

Your $278,419.08 annual public paychecks and PHD from Seton Hall do not make you better than anyone else. You have been rude, nasty, and disrespectful to many in Lodi including concerned residents and taxpayers as well as employees. You should learn some respect and show some humility.

You, along with Superintendent Petty and most board members have set Lodi back a decade in the area of transparency. People noticed that you removed all the bills from monthly agendas. People noticed that you removed all summaries for hearing of citizens from meeting minutes. You do not comply with the required 48-hour notice for some of the most important items voted on during your meetings.

People read your email where you clearly stated that all board members voted on your $67,262,087 budget without ever being provided a copy of the detailed budget. That budget raised Lodi taxes at a time when Lodi was receiving millions more in state aid. You basically admitted in writing that this board raised Lodi taxes without ever seeing how the money would be spent.

You put together a $67,262,087 budget and refuse to provide the public with a copy of the detailed budget even after it is requested via the Open Public Records Act. Why? What are you hiding? I received a copy last year and have copies going back decades.

You have committed multiple violations of the Open Public Records Act. You have been denying the public access to public records that have been made available for decades. You even tried to deny the public access to see public comments that were submitted electronically during your virtual meetings. You have redacted Giacobbe’s legal invoices to the extent they are unreadable. You are only allowed to redact confidential information, yet you have been redacting everything. What are you hiding in the legal bills? An experienced BA would know that board attorneys are supposed to compose invoices for the purpose of OPRA responses.

Too often, overpaid public employees (supposed retirees) abuse the system. They are drunk on power. They are consumed with money and titles. They forget who they work for and who pays their salaries. It is clear that you have reached that point. Let this email serve as a reminder that many Lodi residents saw your behavior at the last meeting and know how you are operating our board office. It is unacceptable. Lodi residents should demand accountability and consequences from the Superintendent and all nine board members.

Ryan Curioni


Thursday, November 25, 2021

Once Again, Big Bully Francine Santos is Trying to Suppress the Free Speech of a Board Member...


Link to video (LEA President Fran Santos speaks all the way at the end):


With all the problems facing the district, Fan Santos spent her time trying to suppress the free speech of a board member.  She loves manufacturing controversies based on lies.  She has demonstrated a deficiency in reading comprehension (her reading is limited to social media).

Fran Santos should get off of Facebook and try doing something productive.  Fran Santos is emboldened to make a fool of herself because she is sister-in-law to Board President Nepotism Nancy (who doesn't know how to run a meeting as clearly demonstrated in the video above).  Fran Santos is only employed as a Lodi teacher because of her sister-in-law Nancy Cardone's decades of nepotism.

Most teachers are very frustrated that their students are a year behind academically.  Students did not receive an adequate education for over a year.  That is not the teachers' fault.  That is the fault of obnoxious teacher union leaders like Fran Santos, failed Superintendents like Doug Petty, and board of education members bought off by teacher unions (they sit there like lumps on a log and rubber-stamp everything bad).

School shutdowns were never based on science but rather teacher union demands People like Fran Santos have contributed to widespread childhood depression and suicide with their forced school shutdowns.  All for what?  Two years later, covid is still around.  With all the school shut downs and vaccine mandates pushed by the teacher unions, covid numbers were worse in 2021 than 2020.  

How did Fran Santos provide pre-k students an adequate education for over a year from behind a screen or by leaving packets on a table in a school parking lot?  Who is she kidding?

Fran Santos is so out of touch.  Teachers are saying their students are behind.  Parents are saying their children are behind.  That is a reality. Fran Santos and other teacher union leaders understand that reality because they have fought to suspend any standardized testing that could show how badly students are behind from the teacher union school shutdowns.

Fran Santos pushed school shutdowns.  Shutdowns killed children.  Shutdowns left children with mental disorders.  Shutdowns left students a year behind academically.  Fran Santos should apologize to all the Lodi families she hurt with her selfish union demands.

Working Lodi parents lost jobs because they had no daycare once schools were shutdown.  Many children missed meals because nobody was picking up meals for them once they were no longer physically in the school building.  During the school shutdowns, Fran Santos still collected her six figure paycheck and she wasn't missing meals.  Fran Santos shows no empathy for others.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Douglas Petty Should Also Be Terminated for Hiring a Crackpot like Dennis Frohnapfel, Hiding Public Records, etc.

Instead of addressing Dennis Frohnapfel's misconduct and violations, Lodi Superintendent Doug Petty condones it and even encourages it.

Doug Petty was never prepared for his position. From day, he was making comments that he would have to reach out to the Superintendents at the South Bergen Jointure to find out how to do the most basic things.

Doug Petty has wasted Lodi's money, time,  and resources.  His spending sprees have been irresponsible and nearsighted. His tax increases would be enormous if it weren't for the millions more in state aid Lodi has received.  

Doug Petty has allowed the politician run firm "Giacobbe" to rip off the town. The Superintendent and BA are supposed to oversee those bills (screen who is using the attorneys and for what purposes).

Doug Petty has failed to hire and retain a real BA and Supervisor of Special Services (2 of the most important positions). 

There is less transparency under  Petty than anyone before him. There are more OPRA violations under Petty than anyone before him. 

Doug Petty was the wrong choice for Lodi. There was a lot of in house talent a lot better than Petty. There were lots of outside applicants a lot better than Petty. 

For the record,  I had nothing to do with the hiring of Doug Petty. I also never voted to approve Giacobbe's initial contract and I voted "No" on every single Giacobbe bill that ever came before me because I saw early on how dishonest and unethical the firm behaved before the board was ever given an opportunity to negotiate the terms of a contract.

Dennis Frohnapfel is An Embarrassment to Lodi and Should Be Terminated Immediately...

Link to video (Check out the time of 51:59).


What a crackpot. 

There is something seriously wrong with Lodi's overpaid interim business administrator.  Lodi has never witnessed such unprofessionalism and bizarre behavior. 

This person was selected by Superintendent Doug Petty and received a contract from this board. They should all be embarrassed and ashamed.

Lodi deserves better than this sad spectacle. 

Sunday, November 21, 2021

The NJEA Has Spent Lots of Union Dues (Taxpayer Money) Attacking the 1st Ammendment and Free Speech. Now the NJEA Has Come Out Against the 2nd Ammendment and the Right to Self-defense...

Link to NJEA statement:


The NJEA is run by a bunch of communists- a freak show propped up by massive amounts of taxpayer money.

The NJEA has destroyed public education.  Now it wants to destroy the constitution and justice system.

A jury determined that someone who was chased down by violent criminals, beaten with a skateboard and kicked in the head was not guilty of any crimes when he defended himself. 

The NJEA is either too stupid to understand the case or the NJEA knows the facts and is intentionally lying to cause division.  

Thursday, November 18, 2021

State Senator Joseph Lagana Lost His Hometown of Paramus…

The Bergen County Clerk website shows that Joseph Lagana lost Paramus to his Republican Challenger Richard Garcia.  Garcia received 4,381 votes to Lagana’s 3,916.


Joseph Lagana was the incumbent.  He had hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from special interest groups including the NJEA.  He used his taxpayer funded office and taxpayer purchased stationary to promote himself and his running mates leading up to Election Day.  He had politicians like Scott Luna and Marc Schrieks staging photo ops for him.  With all those advantages, Joseph Lagana still lost his hometown of Paramus and would have lost District 38 handedly if the Bergen County Democratic Organization didn’t play games with vote by mail ballots.


More and more people are learning that Joseph Lagana is a self-serving phony that uses public office to enrich himself, his family, and close personal friend Joseph Garcia (Lodi Board of Education Attorney).  Joseph Lagana has to carry Joseph Garcia from one political firm to the next where they rip off taxpayers and offer inferior legal services.  You can’t even call it legal services.  It’s nothing more than political consulting (the most unethical and expensive form of political consulting).


How can a State Senator purchase public contracts this way?

Lodi By The Numbers: Joseph Lagana, a Partner in Cleary Giacobbe, Gave a $7,000 Campaign Contribution to a Fair Lawn Councilwoman… (lodioverhaul.blogspot.com)


Lodi By The Numbers: Marc Schrieks’ Pay-to-Play Abuses & County Politics Has Resulted in Unprecedented Legal Bills and Payments to State Senator Joseph Lagana’s Law Firm… (lodioverhaul.blogspot.com)


Lodi By The Numbers: Joseph Lagana's $500 to "Children First" came from his campaign account and was intentionally reported in a dishonest manner. (lodioverhaul.blogspot.com)


How can a State Senator take over one million dollars of public funds intended for small businesses hurt by covid shutdowns when his politician run firm was setting record profits?


Lodi By The Numbers: State Senator Joseph Lagana Should Release "Cleary Giacobbe's" PPP Loan Application to the Public and Disclose His Income from the Firm as It Was Applying for Millions.... (lodioverhaul.blogspot.com)


How can a State Senator have his wife appointed as a Commissioner on the Board of Elections in the county in which he runs for office?

Lodi By The Numbers: How Can People Have Faith in Fair Elections When a State Senator Running in Bergen County Had His Wife Made a Commissioner on the Bergen County Board of Elections... (lodioverhaul.blogspot.com)


Joseph Lagana represents everything wrong with New Jersey government.  I am glad more voters in his hometown recognized that.


Our Government Continues Pushing Vaccines that Kill Young Healthy People...

Link to story:


Sunday, November 14, 2021

Nancy Cardone’s Son Was Already Amongst the Highest Paid Principals in the State of New Jersey…

Was it really necessary for Nancy Cardone and the 2 BOE members she personally handpicked (she never recused herself from selecting the negotiations committee) to add new benefits to Cardone’s contract like annual payments for unused vacation days and doubling the number of personal days?  Michael Cardone was already allowed 22 vacation days and 2 personal days each school year in addition to all the other categories of days off.


Link to previous labor agreement:

Contract-EMSSA.pdf (lodi.k12.nj.us)

Link to MOA showing new benefits added:



The base salary for Nancy Cardone’s son under the expired contract is $158,572.08. On the next payroll you will see the raise Nancy Cardone got for her son for this school year.  The unit is receiving a 2.80% increase for the school year. 


Families like the Cardones continue to treat a public school system as though it is their private family run business. They clearly stated time and time again that they have no understanding that there is a difference.





Former Lodi Councilwoman Patty Licata is Running a Business, Not a Garage Sale...

Patty Licata's car parked on Union Street this morning with a big poster advertising her business (year long "Garage Sale")

Like every typical Sunday,  there are Licata cars parked all along Union Street with big poster boards advertising a "Garage Sale" for Lawrence Ave. There is a big difference between having a "Garage Sale" and running a business out of your mother's house throughout the entire year.

Businesses deal with excessive government regulations.  Lodi politicians can run businesses with zero regulations. 

October Payroll for Lodi Borough Hall...

Link to October 15th Payroll:




Link to October 30th Payroll:



October Payroll for the Lodi Board of Education...


Link to BOE Payroll:


Thursday, November 4, 2021

Emerald Robinson Has Been Suspended from Twitter and Taken Off the Air at Newsmax for Doing Real Reporting on Big Pharma and Vaccines...

Link to new piece by Emerald Robinson that is being censored:


Every commercial on Newsmax is for the dangerous vaccines.  Newsmax is bought off by Big Pharma. 

Monday, October 25, 2021

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Nancy Cardone Personally Handpicked the Committee that Negotiated Her Son's Contract (Scheduled To Be Voted on This Week)...

Michael Cardone,  Superintendent Douglas Petty, and Nancy Cardone (left to right)

The Lodi Board of Education received millions more in State aid this year.  The Lodi Board of Education raised school taxes while receiving millions more in aid.  Superintendent Petty and Dennis Frohnapfel refuse to provide the public with a detailed school budget showing their planned spending. Both claim that Lodi board members approved the budget and tax increase without ever seeing the budget.

Instead of going towards education, Lodi tax dollars are funding Cardone Corruption.  How can a mother appoint people to negotiate her own son's contact? The Giacobbe firm issued an email in 2019 saying this should not be allowed. Apparently the Giacobbe firm is fine with it now because it will say and do anything unethical and improper in return for payments. 

Saturday, October 23, 2021

The Rest of the Country Should Learn from the Amish...


Jill Biden is Not a Medical Doctor. Neither is Doug Petty, Dennis Frohnapfel, Kathryn Fedina, Christie Vanderhook, Laura Cima, etc.

People with Phds use to be called "Doctors" only in classroom settings and practicing medical physicians would be called "Doctors" in all settings. 

Today,  everyone with a Phd from Seton Hall is throwing around their title all over the place to deceive people into believing that the Phds are MDs.

I am not trying to insult or take anything away from the Seton Hall Phds. I am sure the Phds sacrificed a lot by paying such high tuition to a private Catholic University for their titles.  I am only trying to clarify a subject that has caused much confusion. A degree in early childhood education is not a medical degree. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Dennis Frohnapfel Should Be Embarrassed by the OPRA Response He Sent Me Today in His Sad Attempt to Violate the Open Public Records Act Once Again. Lodi Residents Should Read the Email Exchange Below to See What They Are Dealing With in Lodi and Who Handles Their Tax Dollars.

Background InformationI was shocked to see that the Lodi Board of Education decided to erase “Hearing of Citizens” from its meeting minutes.  People hide things when they have something to hide (For instance, when people complained about Petty's asinine uniform plan, that is public record and should not have been erased from meeting minutes).  Being that either the members of the Lodi Board of Education, the Superintendent, or the interim Business Administrator decided to erase parts of the public record, I submitted the following OPRA request on October 3rd.

This was the response I received today from the Interim Business Administrator:


From: Dennis Frohnapfel <dennis.frohnapfel@lodi.k12.nj.us>
Date: Wed, Oct 13, 2021 at 9:07 AM
To: Rosalia Mykietyn <Rosalia.Mykietyn@lodi.k12.nj.us>


Mr. Curioni:


This Board Secretary does not record public comment.  I am required to record the actions of the Board ONLY.  During my tenure here in Loci, public comment will not be recorded.  The info you requested does not exist.


Dr. Dennis R. Frohnapfel, R.S.B.A.

Interim SBA/Board Secretary


This was my email response to Dennis Frohnapfel:


From: rcurioni <rcurioni@optonline.net>
To: Rosalia Mykietyn <Rosalia.Mykietyn@lodi.k12.nj.us>, Dennis Frohnapfel <dennis.frohnapfel@lodi.k12.nj.us>, Douglas Petty <douglas.petty@lodi.k12.nj.us>
Date: October 13, 2021 at 12:49 PM
Subject: RE: Fwd:

Mr. Frohnapfel, 


I personally submitted public comments electronically using the district website. Therefore, I know that the public records I requested do exist. 


I have never heard of a public body not recording or summarizing what takes place during a Hearing of Citizens.


Please have someone in the district office locate the records I requested if you don't want to do your job. Your tech guy can locate public comments submitted electronically.


Please forward my email to all board members because they may not be aware of the new policies you are implementing.


Once again, if you are going to deny my OPRA request, please cite in writing the reason you are using to withhold the electronic records that clearly exist.


Ryan Curioni 


After our email exchange, Douglas Petty turned over this one page of public comments (from 4 people) submitted electronically but omitted all the other recorded summaries for the “Hearing of Citizens” that took place during the requested time period. Click on link below:


Under Douglas Petty, Dennis Frohnapel, “Giacobbe”, and the BOE members that employ them, enable them, and enrich them, Lodi is seeing the worst violations of the Open Public Records Act.


These are a few of the public records that this school administration has ILLEGALLY withheld from the public after requested via OPRA.  These same records have always been offered to the public in the past:


1)  Giacobbe’s legal invoices (a real lot to hide there)


2)  The Detailed Budget for 2021-22 (Frohnapel claims none of the 9 BOE members ever saw a copy of the detailed budget before they approved the budget and a tax increase)