Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Nancy Cardone isn't Capable of Writing an Ethics Complaint...

Lodi BOE President Nancy Cardone during a Zoom meeting

Lodi board members should ensure that another misappropriation of public funds hasn't taken place- where Nepotism Nancy's group uses unethical school board attorneys for personal use while billing the Lodi taxpayers.

The business administrator and Giacobbe attorneys are hiding something serious being they illegally redact all legal invoices to the point they are unreadable before turned over to the public.

If the public can't monitor legal bills without suing in court for OPRA violations,  it is incumbent that board members review all unredacted legal invoices submitted by the politician run firm of Matthew Giacobbe. If board members blindly approve Giacobbe's bills without reviewing them, they are complicit in any wrongdoing that could be occurring.