Friday, August 7, 2020

Tucker Carlson Tonight Exposes the Crazy "Wokeness" at one of New Jersey's Wealthiest and Top Ranked Public Schools...

Stories like these further show the need for a national school choice voucher program for all families.

Some of New Jersey's wealthiest and top ranked public schools are engaging in the worst indoctrination and craziest "wokeness".

If people went inside of some of New Jersey's wealthiest public school districts, they would find nothing to be desired.  Many have  far left administrators like the Millburn principal pushing their radical views on students and the community.  The schools only rank well because the wealthy parents pay high priced tutors to get their children good SAT scores. 

This crazy and dangerous indoctrination is usually initiated by the teacher unions. The teacher unions have spent months calling for the defunding of police and the removal of police from some of the nation's most dangerous high schools. This pathetic Millburn principal is just echoing the teacher unions.