Friday, August 7, 2020

Fran Santos really wants to collect her six figure salary to stay home and do her union activities all day...

Hospital workers don't have the luxury of getting paid by the Lodi taxpayers to stay home.

Grocery store employees don't have the luxury of getting paid by the Lodi taxpayers to stay home. 

What if Fran Santos had to work in any of those professions deemed "essential "?

Unlike the spoiled and entitled teacher union leaders like Fran Santos, many Lodi families are living in poverty. Many young Lodi students are waking up in small, dark living spaces where they spend their days. They are not receiving the school breakfast or lunch they have become accustomed.  They are not receiving an adequate education. They are suffering from depression and anxiety. 

What is the endgame for these Fran Santos types? Keep schools closed forever? Keep them closed until a vaccine is offered and a large percentage of the population refuses to take it?

European schools are open. Some never closed.