Sunday, July 21, 2019

Hundreds of thousands of dollars in special interest money to buy Joseph Lagana’s elections and pay for his meals…

Link to recent ELEC filing by Joseph Lagana:

How would Joseph Lagana be able to eat at all those restaurants and diners without all that special interest money?  Appropriate use of campaign funds?

The date of Joseph Lagana’s primary election is June 8, 2021.  The opening balance of his campaign account dated last week was $267,454.08.  You can see from prior reports that his cash came from special interest groups that are  lobbying the New Jersey legislature and engaging in pay-to-play.

Joseph Lagana only represents 13 local towns.  It’s disgusting that he needs hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy elections.

If you take away the hundreds of thousands of dollars in special interest cash and “D” next to him name, how many votes do you think Joseph Lagana would get?