Friday, July 19, 2019

Because NJ property taxes aren’t high enough…

Link to article on

The article states: “The average salary for New Jersey school superintendents was $155,631 in the 2017-18 school year, according to an NJ Advance Media analysis of state data.”

Lodi was paying Frank Quatrone over $204,000 (well above the state average).  Why?  Because BOE members like Nancy Cardone were giving the superintendent 20% raises in exchange for special favors for her family members. 

Districts most hurt by Murphy’s actions are low income districts dominated by corrupt boards where you will find the highest paid supers being rewarded for taking care of board members instead of merit based achievements.  If conflicted board members like Nancy Cardone were giving 20% raises when there was a cap in place, what do you think people like her will do when there is no cap in place?  Remember Bell, California?