Saturday, March 21, 2015

Is "procedurally wrong" something like "not in compliance"?

On February 17, 2015, Mayor Masopust signed  Resolution 15-43.  Mayor Masopust knew that Lodi was not in compliance at the time.  On the date he signed, there were no members appointed to the committee by the Mayor and Council, no Resolution establishing the committee within the last 25 years(a Resolution is required each year), no meeting minutes, no public notices, etc.  So what "administrative compliance" did he have in mind when he signed his name?

At the next work session, this administration will acknowledge that they are not in compliance.  They will downplay their actions as "procedurally wrong", just like they do for everything else once they get caught.  And they will make their acknowledgment in Tony Luna's office, behind the public's back (or with their backs turned to the public).  They will find a way to not have the story printed in the local newspaper.

The public has to realize that this is not a minor oversight.  This a serious abuse of power, an abuse of public office.  Thousands of dollars that could have been spent on beneficial youth programs were instead placed in the pocket of the Deputy Mayor's son, who also happens to be the President of the Board of Education

The Borough of Lodi violated the Open Public Record Act by denying access to any reports completed by Joe Licata.  Those reports would show how Joe Licata and those connected him have used alliance funding as their personal piggy banks.   There are many other questionable expenditures besides the consulting fees for Joe Licata.

Here is the whole Resolution just passed last month:

(to view larger, left click on the image below, open link, and magnify)