Sunday, July 9, 2023

Phil Murphy Booed Off the Stage. Very Embarassing and Much Deserved.


Link to video:

It has recently come to light that Phil Murphy had damning reports about Lodi's Municipal Government hidden from the public. The Comptroller's Office, under a Phil Murphy appointment, asked for additional time to prepare all the records. After exhausting its deadline extensions, it listed a really bad excuse to not hand over any records.

I have emails from investigators within the Comptroller's Office stating an investigation was taking place in Lodi and many wrongdoings were discovered. They reached out to me for years with questions about information I had posted on this blog. I had refrained from sharing information they were providing me because I assumed (wrongly) that the Comptroller's Office was a legitimate agency serving the public interest.

The Comptroller's investigation into Lodi began in April 2014 and was ongoing when Murphy was Elected Governor in 2017. No reports were made public and Phil Murphy currently has his administration hiding all records from the public.

People recognize what type of person Phil Murphy is and how badly he runs this Corrupt State.  That is why he gets booed and heckled wherever he goes but especially at Restaurants in his own neighborhood.