State aid was contingent on Lodi’s answers to an annual
“Best Practices” questionnaire administered by the New Jersey Department of
Community Affairs. Lodi was required to answer
honestly, and those answers had to be certified as true by numerous Lodi officials.
Every year from 2013 on, Lodi answered, “YES”, that it
had a policy prohibiting personal use of municipal vehicles. A few examples are shown above. The answer was always consistent and always "YES".
Those answers were certified as true and accurate by
Debra Ciliento. They were certified by
Anthony Luna. They were certified by
Charles Cuccia. They were certified by Vincent
Caruso. They were presented and
discussed at public work sessions and accepted by Marc Schrieks, Emil Carafa,
Vinny Martin, Bruce Masopust, Scott Luna, Joe Leto, Albert DiChiara, Patricia Licata, Laura Cima, and Paula Fiduccia. Lodi Police Chief Donald Scorzetti has been long aware of the certified answers and policies as he was violating them.
Those were all lies, and they are all liars. Fraud was committed because State Aid was at
stake and public officials intentionally lied on official documents that were dated, signed, and certified.
When you see Marc Schrieks parking a municipal vehicle
each year at the beach or Donald Scorzetti driving around his family and
friends at the shore or by a bar, there is no question that violations are occurring, and the Lodi taxpayers are being robbed.