Saturday, September 3, 2022

A Quote for Doug Petty, Donald Scorzetti, the Cardones, Matthew Giacobbe, Vinny Martin, and Others That Abuse Their Public Positions to Get Rich Fast...

Too many Lodi politicians put their love of money before everything else.  They serve themselves and not the public.  They are more concerned about their fancy cars, shore houses, and other shiny things than they are about doing a decent job or being decent people.  In the end, they destroy themselves.  They are more miserable than anyone that is living simply and being grateful.

People like Doug Petty and Donald Scorzetti have shown that their number one priority is taking as much as they can from the people of Lodi without earning it.  They have done so by manipulating Lodi politicians to make them rich off of the backs of hardworking Lodi taxpayers.  They never earned their outrageous contracts, raises, and other excesses.  Instead, they used politics and backroom deals.  

Below are two public contracts that all Lodi taxpayers should review thoroughly.  Many people have no idea how much they are paying Doug Petty and Donald Scorzetti as both abuse their power and serve themselves:

Link to post containing Doug Petty’s contract:


Lodi By The Numbers: A Copy of Doug Petty's New Contract Signed by Nancy Cardone... (


Link to post containing Donald Scorzetti’s contract:


Lodi By The Numbers: Behind the Public’s Back and Omitted From All May Agendas, the Lodi Mayor and Council Voted Unanimously to Give Donald Scorzetti 4% ANNUAL RAISES (Leading to a $246,903.74 Salary)… (