Thursday, September 22, 2022

Dennis Frohnapfel, an “Interim” that Removed All Transparency Measures and Is Not Performing All Duties is Being Paid More than Real BAs.


Over compensated Dennis Frohnapfel is claiming that every regular meeting, committee meeting, negotiation etc. is exactly 4 hours in which he is compensated beyond his $700/day.  Doug Petty has no problem rubber-stamping his payments.  Nancy Cardone has no problem rubber-stamping the payments.  Obviously, every meeting or discussion is NOT exactly 4 hours at $87.5/hour.  On March 30th, Petty and Frohnapfel don't even list a reason for the overpayments.  

Link to March invoice:

“Interim” Dennis Frohnapfel was paid $16,800 for the month of March alone.  His contract states that his compensation cannot exceed $154,000 for this current school year.  How is that going to happen?  

You are seeing the same pattern of abuses that you saw with Matthew Giacobbe going over budget while hiding invoices (public records) and not being checked by the superintendent or board.  Budgets mean nothing.  Contracts mean nothing. The Open Public Records Act means nothing.  Accountability is nonexistent.  Transparency is gone.  

Dennis Frohnapfel’s contract was never posted on the district website.  Board policy before Doug Petty became Superintendent and Nancy Cardone became BOE President was that all district labor agreements be posted on the district website.  They undid that good policy.

Link to Frohnapfel’s current labor agreement: