Thursday, November 3, 2016

Dominic Miller continues to lie to the papers.

Dominic Miller in today’s Community News (referencing the $7.5 million administration building):  “The funds for the project came out of capital reserve funds and did not cause a property tax increase.”

As you can see above, the biggest addition to the capital reserve account came between 2013 and 2014 and was a direct result of a completely unnecessary tax increase.  As you can see above, there still wasn’t enough money in the capital reserve account in 2016, long after the Board voted to go ahead with the project.

Question for Miller:  When Lodi needs to make improvements to our schools, where will that money come from since you depleted the capital reserve account?  It's called a future tax increase.  Or being forced to borrow.

It’s very sad that Dominic Miller continues to use Joe Licata’s long discredited talking points.

Dominic Miller has become a parrot, repeating everything he hears while hanging out with Ciofalo and Licata.  It is time that Dominic Miller finds new role models.

Side note:  A fire from decades ago is completely irrelevant to the discussion about spending $7.5 million on lavish offices for 22 employees.