Monday, September 28, 2020

Summary of Sharon Salvacion’s Short Time on the Lodi BOE: Self-Serving and Unethical, She Continuously Hurt Students and Taxpayers…

Some of Sharon’s Votes:

Sharon voted to pay Frank Quatrone $167,000 for sick days when he should have been limited to $15,000 under the law.  Frank Quatrone retired long before Sharon joined the board.  Sharon still made it a priority to make Frank Quatrone an even richer man.  Sharon voted with conflicts of interest.  Sharon voted to use “extraordinary aid” from the state to pay off Quatrone when those public funds should have been used to open our schools in a safe and responsible manner.


Sharon voted to take away any options for in person learning from Lodi families.  Sharon voted with conflicts of interest.  Many Lodi families are low income and were not even offered a Chromebook as they were told to stay home and suffer on their own.  Sharon thought it was more important to pay off Quatrone than to give low income students an adequate education or even a Chromebook.  


Sharon voted to give “Giacobbe” a new contract when the politician run firm went way over budget and engaged in the most dishonest business practices. 


Sharon voted to enrich family members of the mayor.  Sharon is employed in the Lodi Boro Hall where the mayor and council vote on her contracts and other matters affecting her employment. 


Sharon voted to hold a board meeting and took action with only 4 members.  The board never held meetings with less than a 5 person quorum even with multiple vacancies.


Sharon voted to raise taxes as she and her political group publicly claimed that there was no increase.


Some of Sharon’s Conflicts of Interest

Sharon is employed in Lodi Boro Hall.  She is a puppet of the mayor and council that put her up to run.   


Sharon’s daughter is employed by the Lodi Board of Education and is a member of the LEA and NJEA.


Sharon received a $4,000 reported monetary contribution from the NJEA and was a recipient of tens of thousands of dollars of in kind contributions from the NJEA that were never reported (NJEA luncheons with campaigning taking place, robocalls, canvassers, etc.)