Sunday, July 5, 2020

July 27th is the Filing Deadline to Run in November’s Board of Education Election…

Link to petition forms:

For anyone that ever thought about running, you should go for it.  It’s really easy to get on the ballot.  You have to be better than what we have.

Most board members took advantage of the COVID situation to do really bad things, thinking the public wouldn’t notice (refer to my previous post).  There has been nothing but missed opportunities, setting the district back years.  The five members put up by Lodi’s corrupt political machine have done exactly what was expected of them and have been rewarded accordingly.  No surprises there.  Unfortunately for the people of Lodi, members like Kerry Mastrofilipo and some others have broken every one of their campaign promises (refer to their campaign literature).  They did nothing but preserve and protect the same corrupt and failed system that they pretended to run against. 

If new people don’t step up to run, Lodi will continue down the road of unnecessary tax increases, really bad rankings, rampant corruption, and no accountability.