Thursday, July 16, 2020

Last Year, Matthew Giacobbe and Bob Brown (Two Scammers) Violated District Policy when they removed the Board President’s Signature line from Giacobbe’s contract and never presented the contract to the board for a vote…

Last year:  Board President’s name was removed and replaced with Robert Brown:

This year:  Board President’s name was returned:

Link to the 2019-2020 contract for Giacobbe who isn’t the actual board attorney:

Link to the 2020-2021 contract for Giacobbe who isn’t the actual board attorney:

Why did they remove the board president’s signature line from Giacobbe’s contract last year?  Because I always looked out for the Lodi taxpayers and I don’t put up with scammers.  They didn't want me dealing with Giacobbe.

How did Bob Brown and Matthew Giacobbe get away with this? Why were Giacobbe’s bills being paid when a contract was never negotiated by the board or voted on by the board?  The “CF” board members were corrupt and most “CAC members were spineless.  So nobody was held accountable for any wrongdoings. 

Problems don’t go away.  They get bigger.  Giacobbe was a big problem from day one.  He is a bigger problem today.  He is currently obstructing public records (his total over budget payments) from being released to the public.  He is billing Lodi in his attempt to keep public records from the public.