Thursday, April 9, 2020

Tony Luna, Who Retired in 2015, Continues to Drive up Lodi’s Legal Bills. Why?

For months, Lodi Mayor Scott Luna has been abstaining on the “Florio” bills because they contain a matter involving his father Anthony “Tony” Luna.  Tony Luna retired as Lodi Borough Manager in December 2015. 

With annual legal bills in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, Lodi taxpayers have the right to know what they are paying for.  What type of case is it?  Should JIF be covering the legal costs?  What are the mayor’s conflicts of interest with the case?

This is what we can gather by things that emerged from OPRA requests pertaining to other matters.

1)     Tony Luna is appearing on legal invoices from the “Florio” firm:

2)     There is some complaint with the Department of Community Affairs that has been hidden from the public:

The Lodi mayor and council should act in a transparent manner.  At the very least, they should disclose the DCA complaint and explain why Lodi tax dollars are being used on the case instead of JIF coverage.  They should disclose all conflicts of interest that Scott Luna would have in the manner due to his father's involvement.