Friday, April 24, 2020

Behind the Public’s Back (at what were supposed to be public meetings), the Luna Administration is on Tape Trying to Move Lodi’s Board of Education Elections back to April from November…

The Luna administration is on tape at the November 11, 2019 and December 10, 2019 executive meetings of the mayor in which its members are clearly stating that they want the Lodi Mayor & Council to move the Lodi BOE elections back to April from November and that they wanted to pass a resolution in Caruso’s office upstairs during a work session as opposed to a regular public meeting in the council chambers.
With all of the Luna administration's relatives on the BOE payroll, its members shouldn’t be interfering in BOE business at all.

April Elections are extremely costly and nobody was voting during them.  There is a reason why only a handful of districts in New Jersey still hold elections in April.  They are districts like Garfield and Cliffside Park that are run by Nepotism Families similar to the Lunas.

What Luna should really be focusing on is moving the Lodi Mayor and Council Elections from May to November.  Scott Luna spent over $75,000 on his last May Election and look at how low the turnout was.  The Lunas want to suppress votes to maintain their power. 

Scott Luna has bad motives for getting involved in BOE business.  Just look at the March payroll.  Below are a few of his relatives that share his last name.  I am not including all his relatives with different last names.

Scott Luna has Donald Scorzetti and Sharon Salvacion on the BOE, two of his father's worst puppets that currently work in the borough hall where Scott is the appointed mayor. They both received all special perks from the Lunas in return for their political activism. That is a serious conflict of interest.

The Luna administration is on tape wanting to deal with the interim business administrator who happened to be Robert Brown at the time.  Robert Brown was caught lying about Scott Luna's brother's handling of public contracts.  Robert Brown was also caught submitting vouchers for hours he never worked.  The Lunas really liked working with Bob Brown. 

On the agendas, they only listed a vague line to the borough attorney.  

Backroom.  Deceptive.  Corrupt.