Friday, November 8, 2019

Debbie Downer. What would make her happy? (May 27,2017)

Debbie Downer makes nearly $100,000 to teach pre-k, a ten month position.

That doesn’t make her happy.

Debbie Downer’s health premiums went up at least 11%.  The Lodi taxpayers are paying the increase.

That doesn’t make her happy.

What would make Debra Kwapniewski happy?

When you are just handed things in life, you don’t appreciate them like you should.

Ms. Kwapniewski was handed a teaching job in September 2001.

That just happened to coincide with her brother Augie Defalco being the campaign manager for all of the Capizzi board tickets during that time period.  All Capizzi campaign literature for those years have Defalco listed as the campaign manager along with his mailing permit #.

Does the NJEA endorse the practice of handing out jobs in exchange for managing campaigns?

What did her resume look like in 2001? What certificate did she hold?

At the next board meeting, Ms. Kwapnieski should thank the people of Lodi for being so generous to her.  

You can't put children first, when that slot is already filled with yourself.