Saturday, August 6, 2016

Donald Scorzetti's salary increased $24,771.36 in just one year.

In July 2015, Donald Scorzetti’s regular pay was $159,029.28.

In July 2016, Donald Scorzetti’s regular pay was $183,800.64.

In one year, his salary increased $24,771.36 or 16%.

The Mayor and Council had created a new “Deputy Chief” position for him.  That title had previously been eliminated.  The Mayor and Council touted their prior elimination of the “Deputy Chief” position as their big achievement as they ran for reelection.  They claimed it saved a lot of money.

That was short lived.

The promotion process for the “Deputy Chief” reeked of politics.  The overwhelming majority of Lodi believes the best suited Captain was passed over.

Both “Capizzi Cops” cashed in big time over the past year.  They are just getting started.  Capizzi has bigger payouts planned for them. 

Capizzi's Lodi = Bell, California.