Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Hopefully this is Strike 3...

If Quatrone is in such dire need of an additional $25,108 (because $167,000 is not enough), and if the BOE members want to make it their lives' goal to deliver it to him, they should choose a different avenue.  They should hold an additional "Man of the Year" banquet this year and hand all the proceeds to Frank Quatrone.  What better cause for a private fundraiser than to honor someone that might do more "walkthoughs".

When you see members of the BOE, tell them to MOVE ON!   

The November BOE minutes show yet another revision.  Hopefully, this will be strike 3. 

If  the Lodi BOE spent as much time working for the children as they do on Quatrone's merit bonus, just imagine how better off our schools would be.

And board members with immediate family members in our schools shouldn't be voting on superintendent compensation.



Smart Boards:


Language Arts Assessment:
