Sunday, October 20, 2013

Luna is Not Public Safety and Schrieks is Not a Full Time Mayor

Lodi’s Completed 2013 Best Practices Questionnaire:


#5: Instead of just answering with a “No”, they inserted the comment “The borough complies with state statues.”  There is no defense or justification for not having a real pay-to-play ordinance on the books in the year 2013.  There is NO state statue banning the practice of pay-to-play so a local ordinance is necessary.  The Lodi politicians should read the State Comptroller’s report on this subject right after they read the one on government legal fees.


#1: They listed "Lodi Board of Education school security" as a new shared service.  This clearly is not a shared service.  A shared service would be if the borough and the school were both using retired armed guards.  They would share the service and the costs.  But school security is strictly school security and related only to the Board of Education.  The retired armed guards provide no security to the borough hall or any borough facilities.  They are not Lodi police officers like the resource officers at the middle school and high school in which they can provide a service to both our schools and the borough throughout the year. 

No Accountability:

#15: Why hasn’t this administration corrected their noted deficiencies from past audits and why didn’t they list those deficiencies in their comments?


#3: Tony Luna isn’t public safety and is still using a town vehicle for personal use.  At the October 8th Executive Meeting, this administration stated that they currently do not have any policy prohibiting personal use of borough vehicles.

#4: Alan Spiniello acknowledged during the October 15th regular council meeting that Lodi does not follow the best practices outlined in the Appendix of the State Comptroller’s June 25, 2013.  He said the borough may consider some suggestions of the checklist in the future.

#8: No codification was adopted at any October meetings.  

#27: Marc stated at the October 8th executive meeting that a part-time elected official is still receiving health benefits from the borough (presumably him).  This administration acknowledged that they DON’T have policy of their OWN prohibiting this practice.

#38: This is clearly a "No" and not a "Prospective".
Other YES answers are clearly deceptive as well.  At the October 8th executive meeting, this administration answered YES to things they said they may do in the future and others in which they casually said, “I believe” that could be a YES.

Here is a copy of their 2013 completed questionnaire: