Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Coward Phil Murphy Couldn't Offer a Straightforward, Unambiguous Condemnation of Antisemitic Terrorist Sympathizers Overtaking College Campuses...

Phil Murphy strongly condemned businesses that didn’t conform to his mask lunacy.

Phil Murphy strongly condemned individuals that didn’t take the deadly vaccines.

But Phil Murphy won’t condemn antisemitic terrorist sympathizers committing violence, vandalizing property, shutting down colleges, roads, etc.

It's not complicated.

Phil Murphy has plenty of criticism for freedom loving Americans but not so much for Nazi youth.

Today's Antisemitic Student Rioters Have Been Indoctrinated by Their Professors. Matthew Giacobbe Should Condemn His Client's Role in Driving Antisemitism on College Campuses. He Should Also Reimburse the Westfield Taxpayers and the Insurance Provider.


Past posts on the subject:

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Gary Paparozzi Did NOT Disclose Any LLCs (Real Estate Projects and Investments) on His Annual Financial Disclosure Statement Filed this Month. His Lawsuit Against Marcello Petruzzella that Appeared in Newspapers Last June Tells a Different Story.


Link to Gary Paparozzi’s financial disclosure statement dated April 8, 2024:


Gary Paparozzi filed a lawsuit in 2023 stating that he entered into a “Partnership Agreement” with Marcello Petruzzella for a 20% Interest in a Paramus Development Project in exchange for Paparozzi’s $300,000 investment.  The business arrangement never appeared on any of Paparozzi’s past annual financial disclosure statements.  Link to June 2023 posts on the subject:

Lodi By The Numbers: Crooked Gary Paparozzi Was in a Partnership With Marcello Petruzzella- the Same Person that He Was Getting Every Variance with Lodi Projects. (lodioverhaul.blogspot.com)

Lodi By The Numbers: Gary Paparozzi Filed that He Was in a “Partnership Agreement” with Marcello Petruzzella and Paid $300,000 to Hold a 20% Interest. (lodioverhaul.blogspot.com)

How many people has Gary Paparozzi partnered with that have gone before Planning Boards and Zoning Boards in Lodi, Saddle Brook, Garfield and Paterson?  How often does Gary Paparozzi get special variances for projects in which he is a silent partner (a partner that doesn’t disclose his conflicts of interest to the board members he advises or members of the public taking a position for or against)?

Why should the public assume that this problem is more widespread beyond the Marcello Petruzzella partnership?  Before Gary Paparozzi was doing the same thing as Lodi Mayor.

Marc Schrieks ran for office with Gary Paparozzi and served on the council with him.  This is what he revealed about Gary Paprozzi:

Marc Schrieks is currently the Borough Manager of Lodi and technically oversees Gary Paparozzi (who is paid as a Lodi Boro employee- appearing on payroll and paid as a contractor- appearing on Lodi Boro monthly bills).  What Gary Paparozzi is doing as “Planner” can be so much more lucrative than what he was doing as Lodi’s appointed “Mayor”.  Yet, Marc Schrieks has facilitated and enabled this blatant public corruption.  How could he have a problem with Paparozzi's abuses in 2007 and not in 2024?

The Lodi mayor and council have to know about Paparozzi's "partnerships" and his failure to disclose.  They should explain why they are allowing it to take place. You would think that it has to be about something more than just Paparrozi's campaign contributions.  Are they in on the deals? Kickbacks?

Monday, April 22, 2024

Like Lisa Swain, Josh Gottheimer is Fixated on Using Public Office and Tax Dollars to Murder Babies Up Until Birth and Beyond.

Link to one-sided article on nj.com:


I can't post videos of the procedures performed by Planned Parenthood because they are too horrific.  They are using taxpayer dollars to murder completely developed, viable human beings in the most barbaric and painful manner.

Lisa Swain and Josh Gottheimer are using their public positions and public funds to advocate for the murderers at Planned Parenthood. At the same time, they are dishonestly maligning centers that serve families instead of killing them.

If Lisa Swain and Josh Gottheimer spent all their time lying about No Kill animal shelters and trying to shut them down, wouldn't that anger people? Human lives shouldn't be treated any less.

Press releases and theater by Josh Gottheimer and Lisa Swain should be based on facts and Science.  I urge both politicians to post videos of the procedures performed by Planned Parenthood that they are so passionately in support of.  The devil is in the details.

Link to posts about Lisa Swain and her obsession with murdering babies:


Link to posts about Josh Gottheimer and his abuses on behalf of a Planned Parenthood:


March 2024 Payroll and Bills for Lodi Borough Hall...

Link to March 15th Payroll: 


Link to March 30th Payroll:


Link to March Bills:


Saturday, April 20, 2024

OPRA Response Confirms that Gary Pararozzi is Being Paid as a Full-Time Employee (“Senior Planning Aid”), While Simultaneously Being Paid by Lodi as “Borough Planner”. Nobody Can Provide any Records Showing any Accounting for His Work Schedule or What Time is Given to Each Position. Gary Paparozzi is Also Being Paid by Other Towns and Working in Other Towns During the Hours of the Lodi Zoning Office.

The Lodi Mayor and Council hand Gary Paparozzi a non-competitive professional service contract each July to be Borough Planner:


The Lodi Mayor and Council also hired Gary Paparozzi as a full-time borough employee and are using the Civil Service Title “Senior Planning Aid”:


So, Gary Paparozzi is the Planner.  And he is a Senior Planning Aid which you would think would be working under the Planner.  This makes a lot of sense.

Gary Paporozzi appears each month on Borough Bills as a vendor while appearing each month on Borough Payroll as a full-time employee:

Lodi By The Numbers: How Does the Lodi Mayor and Council Get Away with Paying Gary Paparozzi as a Full-Time Salaried Employee and as a Monthly Vendor? (Post Date: October 9, 2022) (lodioverhaul.blogspot.com)

Borough payroll lists Gary Paparozzi as an employee in the Zoning Office.

Fact:  Gary Paparozzi is working for other towns during the hours of the Lodi Zoning Office.

Marc Schrieks is the Borough Manager of Lodi.  He set this arrangement up for his former running mate who he spent 8 years on the council with.  Marc Schrieks took campaign contributions from Gary Paparozzi after Paparozzi was thrown out of office.  Marc Schrieks is required to review Gary Paparozzi’s attendance records, contracts, and payments.  Marc Schrieks and Gary Paparozzi appear to be engaging in theft of time and theft of public funds.  I am not making a wild accusation.  OPRA records say that. 

Post Date: February 6, 2023

Foolish Phil Murphy. Very Anti-Science.


It's very disappointing to see that neither Murphy is wearing a mask for their 10th Covid shots.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Video Shows that a Montclair Activist/Sean Spiller Critic Only Spoke the Truth and Did Nothing Wrong Days Before She Was Subpoenad...

Link to video:


Link to article:


Sean Spiller doesn't only use Montclair tax dollars to harass and intimidate critics. He has been using NJEA dues for years to attack the constitutional rights of others.

Sean Spiller has shown himself to be a fraud so he can't sue for defamation.  Instead, he resorts to other tactics. 

I even made the comment section of the article. 

For all the money in the world, I wouldn't take down my blog about Sean Spiller and the NJEA.  In fact, they may have been involved in my blog going down.  This is the #1 viewed post in the last twelve months and it's not a Lodi story:


Sean Spiller and the NJEA Funded the Ethics Complaints Against this Blog. They also Funded a Failed PERC Complaint Against this Blog. They Spent So Much in Union Dues Against this Blog that They Had to Fight Against Disclosing the Amount During Interrogatories.

Link to post abount how the NJEA funded complaints targeting first amendment rights and how BOE members throughout New Jersey are currently being harassed and intimidated as the result:


Thursday, April 11, 2024

The Lodi Board of Education Can Never Operate Honestly and Efficiently With Nancy Cardone as It's President. She Has the Worst Conflicts of Interest in the State of New Jersey.

Link to Nancy Cardone’s “Reprimand”:


Nancy Cardone used thousands of Lodi tax dollars for an attorney to represent her only to turn around, admit guilt, and settle.

Nancy Cardone has committed a lot more serious offenses than those listed in the above settlement so you can understand why she would be so happy admit guilt in this situation.

How could a Board President believe that it was okay to appoint the people negotiating her son's contract?

Nancy Cardone has the worst conflicts of interest.  She has corrupted the Board for too long.  Lodi deserves better.

Although I did not file the complaint against Nancy Cardone, I had posted about her abuses over the years in which she was reprimanded (linked below):

Lodi By The Numbers: Nancy Cardone Personally Handpicked the Committee that Negotiated Her Son's Contract (Scheduled To Be Voted on This Week)... (lodioverhaul.blogspot.com)

Lodi By The Numbers: Nancy Cardone Made Herself the Chair of the Personnel Committee and Has Been Discussing Middle School Personnel With Douglas Petty for Years (Including Involuntary Transfers)...... (lodioverhaul.blogspot.com)

Post Date: December 12, 2023

We Are Just a few Days from the BOE Election and the "New Voices" Candidates are Not Showing Their Campaign Contributors or Expenditures on the ELEC Site (only $300 from Lafranca). John Cannizzaro is Their Treasurer.


Since some of the "New Voice" candidates are listing jobs in accounting and bank employment, can they explain why they would list John Cannizzaro as their Campaign Treasurer? Is that leadership? It that responsible? Is John Cannizzaro better with finances them? Why couldn't any of them perform the function?

Did they select Cannizzaro or were they ordered to use Cannizzaro? With a Cannizzaro or Defalco, the puppet handlers can hide their pay-to-play contributors this year just like did last year. They violate ELEC regulations and pay-to-play laws governing BOEs.

Why haven't Cannizzaro's Voices reported where their campaign contributions came from being they began spending big shortly after they filed to run on February 26, 2024? If they can't show honesty in reporting during a campaign, how could they show honesty with your tax dollars as board members?

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

As the Lodi BOE Budget Has Surpassed 92 Million, Here is a Post to Think About From February 2019: "Shocking statistic regarding the Lodi BOE’s operating expenditures over the last 10 years"…

In 2009, Lodi’s enrollment was 3,199 students and operating expenditures were $45,868,377.

In 2018, Lodi’s enrollment was 3,093 students and operating expenditures were $63,066,284.

This spending is unsustainable.  Those responsible for this disaster shouldn't be patting themselves on the back or managing the Lodi Borough Hall.

Added comment: When Lodi's State Aid remains flat or is reduced, the Lodi taxpayers are totally screwed.  This was really irresponsible and selfish behavior by Nancy Cardone and her political group.  The overpaid interims are creating a financial mess for others to deal with when they are gone.

In Light of Reports Like these Coming Out Today, Matthew Giacobbe and Joseph Lagana Should Release Their PPP Application to the Public and Disclose What they Did With Our Millions of Dollars...

Link to today's report:


Past posts on Giacobbe's questionable PPP cash:


Matthew Giacobbe lists multiple members of the State Legislature as "Partners" in his firm. Elected officials should be transparent when they took millions in federal tax dollars intended for small businesses hurt covid lockdowns at a time that their politician run firms were seeing record high revenues (public contracts).

The NJEA President/Montclair Mayor Continues to Use Public Funds to Harass Critics and Silence Speech...

Link to story on northjersey.com:


Monday, April 8, 2024