Monday, September 20, 2021

Nancy Cardone Has the Worst Conflicts of Interest With All Negotiations, Personnel, and Other Committees (for all the obvious reasons)...

More really bad guidance from Matthew Giaccobe, Douglas Petty and all board members that didn't see the obvious problem with Nancy Cardone being involved with any negotiations or personnel.

Nancy Cardone is listed as the Chair for the "Personnel Committee".  

On paper, Nancy Cardone will chair a committee that discusses the employment of Nancy Cardone's family.  Nancy Cardone will be discussing individuals recommended by her son who is the Middle School Principal. Nancy Cardone will be discussing the appointments that impact her sister-in-law who is the President of the Lodi teacher's union. 

In reality, Nancy Cardone will be influencing all appointments because Doug Petty is out of a job if he doesn't do what what the Cardone political group tells him to do. Doug Petty must take care of and protect Nancy's family. Doug Petty has shown to be a follower, not a leader. He has done nothing but maintain the status quo for the nepotism families running the district. 

The Giacobbe political firm has no  shame. It has facilitated and encouraged the most unethical behavior. Did they ever consider the public perception of having Nancy Cardone chair a personnel committee or being anywhere near negotiations when she has relatives in every bargaining unit?