Sunday, June 27, 2021

More Vaccine Propoganda from Mike Kelly and the Record Newspaper...

Link to Mike Kelly's latest vaccine propoganda:

A few key points left out of the column:

1)  Fully vaccinated people are getting covid and spreading covid in large numbers.  Our dishonest government isn't counting these cases unless they result in hospitalization or death. Yet, a healthy,  asymptomatic, unvaccinated person would be counted as multiple cases if they tested positive on consecutive days.

2)  More young people 12 to 17 have been hospitalized from the vaccine than have been hospitalized from virus. More young people have died from the vaccine than from the virus. The same may apply to other age groups.

3) The CDC reports over 6,000 deaths from the vaccine.  This is only a small fraction of the vaccine deaths as you can see from the vaers reporting requirements.

It is the height of hypocrisy for the out of touch liberal columnists from the dying newspapers to lecture others, shame others, call people "phony", and accuse others of conspiracy theories.

These people are godless so they made government their god. They blindly follow people like the Obamas and Fauci to the point of idolatry.

They are miserable people that want to stay miserable.  Instead of living and being free, they want their government to lock them down and micromanage their lives. Instead of celebrating a return to normalcy, they eagerly wait for a new variant to write about in their boring weekend columns.