Thursday, July 14, 2016

Joe Licata talking about Joe Licata. His college essay even sounds like one of his graduation speeches…

Click on link below:

Like Hillary Clinton, the Licatas enriched themselves greatly through political employment.   They enriched themselves greatly through nonprofits in which they provide no transparency.  They sell access to public jobs and tax dollars. They lie with ease, believing they are above the law.  They secure special priveleges for family and friends.  They have no humility and make everything a celebration of themselves.


Side Note:  Can Joe Licata or his mother give one speech or write one thing without googling a quote from somebody else?  Queen Latifah said....Rocky Balboa said...Bob the Builder said...Mickey Mouse said...Hillary Clinton said...

Graduates of the Lodi Schools deserve inspirational commencement speakers.  They deserve a variety of commencement speakers.  It is time to make their night about themThere is nothing inspirational or interesting about Joe Licata talking about Joe Licata.