Saturday, October 10, 2015

Not My Site. I demand a public apology.

Link to letter I received in the mail today:

I find it laughable that Thomas Desomma would have lawyer send me a letter about a website that isn’t mine.  

How about the quote:  “Investigation performed to date has revealed that said statement is attributable to you.”

That must have been some investigation.

This is the only website that I have anything to do with- “Lodi By the Numbers”.  

The Lunas and Licatas have told everyone imaginable that I am responsiby anyoneble for everything ever said  else on-line.  I guess Desomma is now playing that game.

Once again, it is sad that these type of people are running Lodi.  They are drunk on power.  They abuse their public office.  They are too entitled and lazy to do their homework.

Thomas Desomma defamed me. I demand a public apology.