Tuesday, September 16, 2014

They Secretly Un-waived Marc Schrieks Health Benefits…After He Already Received Them!

After a year and a half of being asked about Marc Schrieks violating Resolution 10-184 (http://lodioverhaul.blogspot.com/2014/08/marc-wrongfully-billed-lodi-for-his.html ), Alan Spiniello suddenly found another Resolution (#10-336).  This Resolution would un-waive Marc Schrieks’ health benefits  because he was no longer receiving them from the Meadowlands Commission.

Alan Spiniello said that I should have found this Resolution when I was doing my research.  

I asked him: at what public meeting did this take place and is it shown on any minutes on the Borough website?

Alan Spiniello said it was passed on October 12, 2010 (not a Regular Council Meeting).

This was done secretly in Tony Luna’s office upstairs.  Lodi never posted an agenda or minutes showing this took place.

Plus they un-waived them after he already took them.

I read the following quote from the April 2010 minutes after Resolution 10-184 was passed:

I told the council that they bragged about themselves when they waived their benefits.  They did it at a public meeting and on the minutes.  They should have done the same when they un-waived them and they should have stated in the minutes that: sacrifices will not be made because Marc Schrieks found himself for the first time not having the government pay for his benefits.  I also pointed out that they lied on their “Best Practices” questionnaire regarding the matter.