Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Schrieks is Pulling a Coniglio w/ His Health Benefits...

They knew the question was coming and they wouldn’t touch it.  Once again, this administration appears lawless in their actions.

The above Resolution was provided to each member of this administration before the following questions were asked:

1)      The Lodi council passed Resolution 10-184 waiving health benefits for 2010.  After the resolution was passed and Mr. Schrieks bragged about himself, he received health benefits during that year.  He was no longer entitled to them.  When will Mr. Schrieks reimburse the taxpayers of Lodi?

Marc said he will have to look into it.

Marc was told that he had the Resolution right in front of him.  

He still wouldn’t touch the topic.

Mr. Spiniello was asked if he drew up the Resolution.  He said, “No”, and that sometimes the Clerk draws up the Resolutions.  He wouldn’t touch the topic either.  He tried to change the subject over and over again.  

Marc was asked, “If you take something you are not entitled to and somebody else paid for it, isn’t that the definition of stealing?”  
He and Mr. Spiniello were asked:  when Mr. Schrieks confirms that he received taxpayer funded health benefits in 2010, where will we go from there?

No answer.

2)      First you told the Record reporters that Chief Caruso’s three months’ severance pay was guaranteed by contract.  Then you acknowledged at the last meeting that is wasn’t part of his contract but you gave it to him anyway because you lost in arbitration years ago due to a “Past Practice” clause.  I have a copy of that ruling.  It doesn’t apply to Chief Caruso.  His contract didn’t have a Past Practice clause like the PBA contract had.  Can you come up with different excuse why you paid him over $46,000 for something he was not entitled to by contract?

Marc said that the Chief's contract had a Past Practice Clause.   

Marc was told that it did not.

Marc was told that the PBA contract had Article 50, a “Past Practices Clause”.  It was explained that Chief Caruso did not have PBA contract.   His contract did not have Article 50 or any “Past Practice Clause” for that matter.

Marc conveniently changed direction and said the Chief had a PBA contract 11 years ago. 

Marc was told at the Chief’s current contract replaced any prior ones (contract wording). 

Marc just kept contradicting himself (just like he did during the Coniglio trial).

Marc claimed they fought severance payouts so hard a few years ago.

I pointed out that they didn’t fight hard.  Mr. Luna handed them the ruling by his testimony and it appeared they were only out to hurt Officer Piscitello.

3)      Why is Mr. Cuccia appearing on both the town payroll and on the monthly bills? 

The auditor explained that the State said the CFO has to be a “person” (I guess as opposed to a business created for the sole purpose of billing the Boro).   So they listed him on Payroll. 

He was asked: why don’t you list all of the CFO’s compensation on payroll?

The auditor responded: because the CFO has two personnel doing some of the duties so they pay them through “Treasury Services”.

Marc Schrieks interjected at some point to say that CFOs can name their own price because they are too hard to find.

Marc was asked: “How would you know?  You never even advertised the position.”  

Marc was also told that Little Falls hired a new CFO recently that would also serve as their Business Administrator.  He would be full-time and work during the days.  And his compensation would only be a little higher than Lodi’ part-time CFO.


Schrieks and Luna claimed they are saving  with their CFO's compensation.

It was pointed out that they are paying a full-time salary and have non-CFOs doing the work. 

(This arrangement was sketchy from day one.)

4)      Is $8,758 all the Municipal Alliance Grant money you will receive for the entire year?

Schrieks said that it is.

I pointed out that it’s terrible that such a large percentage of that is going to the Deputy Mayor’s son.  I stated: the more your family members get, the less the children get.   Less goes to youth programs.